How Communicating Can Help You Realize Your Self

How Communicating Can Help You Realize Your Self

The idea of vulnerability can seem strange in a society that frequently prizes certainty and strength. However, we can travel the path of self-realization and personal development by accepting our vulnerabilities.

The Power Of Opening Up

The emotional state of being open to events, ideas, and feelings that could cause pain or disappointment is known as vulnerability. Although it is a common experience for all people, many of us make significant efforts to avoid it. Do you know why?

Our dread of being vulnerable stems from our innate impulse to protect ourselves. From an evolutionary perspective, displaying vulnerability might have meant the difference between life and death. Even though the stakes are lower now, fear still has a stronghold. We associate vulnerability with the possibility of being misinterpreted, rejected, or judged.

But vulnerability is also the fertile ground for transformation, creativity, and innovation. We can only fully connect with people and discover our actual selves when we dare to show who we are.

Path to Self-Realization

Self-realization is the process of recognizing and understanding one’s own traits, feelings, and driving forces. It’s the journey toward being the most authentic version of oneself. Here’s how embracing vulnerability can help to facilitate this process:

Authentic Connections

When we open up to others, we offer them a way into our inner world. This act of sharing can build trust and make relationships stronger. It is through these authentic connections that we can reflect on our own nature as well, and grow.

Emotional Intelligence

It requires a high level of emotional intelligence to acknowledge and express our vulnerabilities to anyone. It involves self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy. We develop these abilities by accepting vulnerability, which improves our comprehension of both ourselves and the people around us.


Each time we choose to be vulnerable, we are taking a risk. The outcome may not always be positive. But there is immense value in the attempt itself. We develop resilience with every encounter, discovering that we are capable of enduring rejection and disappointment.

Growth Mindset


Vulnerability allows us to embrace a growth mindset. It encourages us to view challenges and disappointments as opportunities for development and education rather than as impassable obstacles.

To “go” with vulnerability is not evidence that you are weak; on the contrary, it takes fearlessness to confront insecurity and acceptance to be open to observation. It has been, quite simply, a great instrument for emotional development and to discover one’s self. Meaning embodies our lives and understand ourselves better when we decide to be openhearted.

A renowned researcher Brene Brown says: “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”

So let’s have the guts to show our vulnerability since that’s when we discover our way to self-realization.